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[Reddit Gaming Hot Post] MARKET SIZING CASE

Question:- How many cups of coffee are sold in the United States each year?

Note:- Answer should be in volume.

My Answer was as follows

1.Let's assume the US population is 320 million, average life expectancy is 80 years. Assumibg even distributiob of people among age groups there would be 4 million per age.

2.People of 0-15 years of age dont drink coffee at all

3.Out of 16- to 60 age group which comprises of youth and working population, 80 percent prefer to have coffee.

4.Out of age group 61-80, who are senior citizens lets assume 60% drink coffee on regular basis while other 40% are resistant to it due to health concerns and for other reasons.

5.Now the total population that drink coffee = 192 million(based on information given).

6.Though coffee energises a person it is quite heavy on stomach and kills apersons hunger for few hours say 3 to 4 hours. So based in this maximum number of coffees aperson can drink in a day is 3. But some may prefer to drink it only ince in the morning. So on a average let's take a person drinks 2 cups of coffee.

7.Now total number of coffee cups sold in ayear in US would be = 192 million2365 that equals to 140 billion.

Now tell me as an interviewer of mckinsey or some other consulting firm would you genuinely be satisfied with this answer and hire me. Or would you expect a much better answer.

Submitted April 29, 2023 at 04:37PM by KeenlyCurious


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